Gentle Journey Investments Helps You Get Funding From Personal and Business Credit

3 min readJul 14, 2022

Credit is one of the most essential things in life. Not only are we judged on our ability to pay back debts, but it can also help us get financing for big purchases like a home or car. Knowing how to manage and maintain our credit scores is a valuable skill everyone needs to learn.

One of the best ways to keep your credit score high is by investing what’s called “good” debt — such as student loans, mortgages, and vehicle loans — into your credit rating rather than “bad” debt, like credit cards and other kinds of loans.

Using money to make money

However, some people often refer to the type of debt you choose to use as “good” or “bad.” This can lead to confusion among consumers and banks regarding the types of debt that are truly more beneficial for your credit score. It also leads some consumers to retire total debts on their books, which can harm their credit by damaging their ability to borrow in the future.

If a debt is unqualified on your credit report or not reported, it will not be sure to appear as a recent and significant payment on your credit report. If that were the case, then it would be harder for you to qualify for loans or mortgages. The reason is that banks and other lending institutions would have no clear idea of your current ability to repay the loan they are trying to grant you.

Regardless of how you classify a debt, it must appear on your credit report. Also, if you pay off debts and then later retire them, you might negatively affect your credit score by skewing the books too far in your favor.

The solution

So how can you keep your credit score high? There are several ways, but one of the simplest and most effective is to invest in loans you can expect to get paid back. For example, investing in a personal loan from a bank or credit union will help you boost your credit score. This is because these types of loans are usually unsecured, and the banks usually carry large amounts of money for their consumers to borrow. This means that if you do not pay these loans, they will likely be wiped off your credit report. The same, of course, goes for your auto loan. But sometimes, it’s unnecessary to borrow money from a bank or credit union if you can get a personal loan from an investor who wants to finance your purchase. You might be surprised that this is the case.

Another way of keeping your credit score high is to invest in a very low-risk business that you are well-qualified to own, such as a niche or start-up business. Not only will it make this financial investment stand out on your credit report, but it will also ensure the business’ growth will help boost your personal and business credit.

Finally, the easiest way is to get help from Gentle Journey Investments. They will help repair your personal and business credit and support you get funded from personal and business credit, cars, homes, and much more with good credit. If you’re interested, please visit or call our number at (954) 951–2216




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